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What are the benefits of flossing?

What are the benefits of flossing?

Our Lethbridge dentists consider flossing to be an essential part of your daily oral hygiene routine, as it provides benefits for the health of both your teeth and your gums.

Preventive Oral Care

Together, brushing and flossing form the foundation of an effective preventive oral hygiene routine. While brushing cleans food debris and bacteria away from the exposed surfaces of your teeth and gums, flossing helps remove them from the areas between your teeth that your toothbrush cannot reach.

Regular flossing also disrupts the formation of plaque in those tight spaces. This, in turn, helps prevent oral health problems like cavities and gum disease from forming in the long run.

Prevention is the key to life-long oral health. Rather than having to fix dental problems once they develop with invasive, time-consuming and sometimes expensive treatments, you can brush and floss regularly and thoroughly to help prevent them from developing in the first place.

Bad Breath Prevention

Food debris that is trapped between your teeth or along your gum line may contain bacteria that cause bad breath. Daily flossing can help remove these particles from your mouth and keep your breath neutral and inoffensive.

If you have more questions about the benefits of flossing or would like to improve your flossing routine, contact our Lethbridge dentists at Ivory Dental for a consultation today.

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